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           What your child misses

*Fundations and Heggerty are our most important literacy instruction to ensure all students will learn to read. 

*WINN is ‘What I Need Now’ instruction which prioritizes skills that a child has yet to master -- and is individualized to exactly what each student news

SOAR Learning Targets

choose kindness theme

Kindergarten Registration

All new students (Kindergarten - 5th grade) at South Side School and those transferring within our district will need to register at the Bristol Board of Education Central Registration Office, which is located at 129 Church Street, Bristol, CT 06010. Our overall goal in having one location for registration is to improve customer service by expediting the process, ensuring consistency across all Bristol schools, and making it more convenient for those with children in more than one school. For more information please call 860-584-7033. Here is the link to all registration information:
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