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South Side School

Principal's Page

A man smiles for a photo with his two sons, all wearing blue and red jackets.

August 2024

Dear South Side Families and Community,

Welcome to South Side School - I am glad you are here as we celebrate South Side's 50th Anniversary.  My name is David Huber and I am entering my 9th year as principal of South Side after having spent five years as principal of Mt. View School. I am honored and proud to be part of the South Side community. I am a product of the Bristol Public Schools after having attended Ivy Drive Elementary School, Northeast Middle School, and Bristol Eastern High School. I then attended UConn and Central Connecticut as part of my ongoing education.

Whether you are a new family or returning back to us, I hope you will consider joining our PTA to be part of our activities and events. We need your help to ensure the success of each child at South Side School. It is my goal to provide all family and community members with as much information about our school as possible. In an effort to do this, we share the activities within our school on Facebook and Twitter (@davidjhuber) using the hashtag #SSSct. I hope you will follow the outstanding teaching and learning within our school via social media. Included in your 'welcome back' paperwork is a media consent form where you can determine if you'd like your child's work, picture, or learning to be shared in any media format (Bristol Press, News, Facebook, Twitter...). You have the option to allow your child to be celebrated on these pages or to not allow their work or pictures to be shared. Families can, at any time, change their preference by contacting their child's teacher. When using social media, we do ask that if families comment on our pages, all comments be in alignment with our school's mission statement and respectful in nature. Posts that are negatively directed at individuals or in violation of our school or district mission statement will be deleted.

At South Side School we are pleased to offer multiple opportunities for families to support the teaching and learning at our school. Families will have opportunities to volunteer before, during and after school. Our school's Title 1 Parent Advisory Team will be sharing ways all families can be involved. Volunteer opportunities include reading to students, joining our Watch DOGS (dads of great students), being part of our Rainy Day Recess Crew, photocopying, creating family calendars or volunteering in classes. If you have additional suggestions, please feel free to email us. Each year we conduct a Title 1 Parent Engagement Survey and use these results to improve our school. We appreciate your input and partnership to improve our school.

At South Side we are on a mission to build a safe community where all kids feel connected. We want the same for the staff and families as well in our building.  We are excited to again be offering Family Field Trips, In-School Learning Days, Virtual ‘State of the School Meetings’ to provide multiple ways and opportunities for you to be involved in our school.  If you have suggestions for additional ways to engage our families - please let us know.  Please feel free to stop in and say hello or don't hesitate to call with any questions. Through two-way communication (either in person, via email, or social media) we can ensure the success of each of our learners while positively growing our community. The one thing I do ask is before sharing a concern about our school on social media you please give us the opportunity to address your concerns in person.  Oftentimes a concern is simply a misunderstanding that can be clarified through a brief conversation. Once again, welcome to South Side School - We are glad you are here!



David Huber